Google Chrome Extension Changes ‘Alt-Right’ To ‘White Supremacist’
“Lots of politicians use coded language & dog whistles to appeal to people’s racism,” he said. “But Trump was more brazen and open about it than any major candidate in recent history, and for him to prevail with these tactics is a scary precedent. Seeing Donald Trump win makes people feel safe to speak that hate more loudly, and act on it more violently. This is a real danger.” - creator of Google Chrome Extension
Zola, who is white, created the extension as a way to express solidarity with the groups who face vitriol from these radical groups, as well as for “the rational Trump supporters out there who don’t tolerate white supremacy” and a “large portion of Americans in denial about how bad [racism] is, or worse, [refuse] to think there’s a race problem at all.”
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Google Chrome Extension Changes ‘Alt-Right’ To ‘White Supremacist’ |
This kind of coded language was part Trump’s rise to prominence, so a little transparency in people’s media intake could be a very good thing.
There is nothing normal about those people who promote a "white supremacy" mindset, but there is also something very wrong with infringing upon the public's ability to engage in public discourse about it without having their words filtered, changed and replaced. If I want to say something about the use of the words "Alt-Right" and it is replaced with the words "White Supremacy", how am I to get my point across??? It is not sugar-coating it, however, I must say I didn't "get" what was meant when the media kept using the words "Alt-Right" and now am offended that they used that phrase when referring to ANYONE on to the right of the Socialism/Communism spectrum.
Again, sugar coated? I identified as alt-right for years. As I said in a recent post, I disagree with both white nationalism, and white pride. Both for the obvious reasons, and for reasons unrelated to race. Alt-right just meant that you were a right leaning person who disagrees with the GOP as a whole. Now though, you can't be conservative without being: a straight republican; libertarian; or racist.
Dunno about you, but I truly hope this catches on. Like this guy says, you just can't sugar coat White Supremacy. Alt-right makes it sound like it's almost okay. It's not, not by any decent human standard.
.... And yet, Mr Orange has at least several of his closest advisors that are unabashedly alt-right White Supremacists. I really wish there had been more made of this during the election..... but HRC and the DNC failed miserably to understand their opponents .... and we'll be the ones that suffer as a result ...
It needs to be seen for what it is. And no, pointing out divisiveness isn't be divisive. It's being conscientious for your fellow human being and saying there are lines you just don't cross. Ever.
White supremacy is more than the alt-right; at least they show who they are. The other racists are the ones are the christian extremeist. Hand in hand often, but many times a good church going lady will not appear to be racists, but they vote for one, and you know what they say, You can't lie down in shit and not expect any to get on you.
OK that's funny, and interesting, but still creepy. It's a way of de-buzzing your daily rant flood—filling it with allegedly better, more politically correct, vocabulary. In this case, it does seem a worthwhile concern, because normalizing anything Trump is doing seems very bad. Still, if we fill up our consumption of data with pruning apps, we're going to impoverish our engagement and potentially exaggerate the intentions of people we're reading.
We all need to fight against letting this become just another part of the political spectrum of our country. They use the term "alt-Right" to try to make you think they are just a different brand of conservative. They are not. They are fascists, Klansmen, bigots, anti-Semites, misogynists, and white nationalists. And we need to tell them WE DO NOT WANT THEM. If we legitimize them, we also legitimize what they stand for. Don't call them some new name they cooked up to make themselves seem benign and acceptable. Call them, their supporters, and their new Führer exactly what they are: Nazis.
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